BALL MEASURES #1 - Digital artefacts
BALL MEASURES is both a choreographic and performative practice that resist and reforms previous definitions of dance and choreography through the encountering of an inanimate object. Existing in different iterations, the body of work positions the ping-pong ball as a movement collaborator to engender ways of viewing the dancing body as a construct of choreography.
One of the central notions of BALL MEASURES is the active consideration of all movement as choreography and dance. With this active consideration, the intangible moments and transformations that arise and occur through the body’s existence with the other(s) is made more visible. While the ball may be inanimate and open to a range of movement interventions and activation, its characteristics and purpose built serves as a tool to locate physical knowledge that is abstracted or resides historically in our body. Through the activation and organisation of this knowledge, it reveals facets of choreographic possibilities that were previously not evident.
Accumulation, Repetition, Notation, Reproduction: recurring elements and movements derived from the processes that emphasise the meticulous and exhausting labour of the individual; labour that can lead to transformation, exhaustion, aggression.
Presented at
CIRCUIT#1 - virtual exhibition (2020)
Dance Nucleus
Digital Artefacts:
1. Gifs
2. Sound scores
3. Video